Sunday, March 24, 2013

What ever happened to journal writing and art time?

It is funny how everything changes, when you have kids that is. Why it is funny, I don't know. Everyone tells you it is going to happen and somehow it is still surprising when it does. I am thankful for a flexible spirit and creative mind. What used to be journal writing and oil painting has become a blog and any little craft that I can work on while Campbell is napping. The evolution is beautiful really. My family knows that I am most creative when I am happy and that I am most happy when I am creative. I feel very fortunate to be in this place in my life right now. And so, this blog will be a record of what I have been up to while Campbell is napping...

Here is my latest project: Shipping container turned Square-foot-garden and a Tiered fruit basket turned Herb garden. I removed the bottom basket because Campbell thought it great fun to swing the basket back and forth. Little cutie. Actually, he really is adorable, don't you think?

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